If you've used photoshop, you probably know what a histogram is. Even digital cameras have it these days. But a histogram isn't just about the chart you see there. Histograms have several uses in various fields. In this post, we'll have a look at histograms from a general perspective.
A histogram is a series of bins. You can store one value in each bin. That's it. Each bin "belongs" to range of values, say 0 to 10, 10 to 40, etc. So if some value X belongs to this range, something is added to this bin. The bins can be non-uniform if required. But usually people go for uniform width bins.
This is the one you're most familiar with. Bins are usually like this: 0.00-0.99, 1.00-1.99 and so on. This way you effectively get a "discrete" histogram (1 goes into a bin, 45 goes into another, etc).
If you want, you can have wider bins too. The SIFT algorithm makes extensive use such histograms. It divides 360 degrees into 8 bins. So angles from 0-44.99 degrees go into one bin, 45-89.99 into the next, etc.
Again, relatively easy to understand. You can imagine this to be a 3D bar chart in Word. The range of bins now becomes two dimensional. For example: (0, 0)-(44.99, 44.99), etc
Something similar to this is used in the Hough transform. It is referred to as the accumulator cells, but ultimately they act like bins of a histogram.
Things start getting weird from this point on. Visualizing a 3D histogram is a bit harder. The bins are now distributed in 3D space. And because each bin itself has stores value, the 3D histogram is a 4D object (x,y,z,value of bin). And you probably already know humans aren't that good at imagining 4D.
One way of visualizing it is to take a plane and pass it through the 3D space. That way, you fix one particular dimension and you can visualize the three that remain.
Don't even try visualizing this. Just think of it as an N dimensional array. That's it. You supply an index (say (2,45,6,89,5,7,63,10,3745,125,10,88,55) ) and you get a value.
All this was pretty simple. But histograms can be immensely useful. All the way from correcting the "look" of an image to figuring out the gesture of a hand ;)